Tempus project “Establishing Modern  Master-level Studies in Industrial Ecology”«IEMAST»
(Agreement N.)2011-2537
Project duration: 15 October 2011 – 14 October 2014


Due to the request of the IEMAST project team the project has been prolonged by EACEA until June 30, 2015.


Project Coordinator in Ukraine:NTUU “KPI”.

Person in charge:Ievgen Nikiforovich –Doctor of Fluid Mechanics, Professor, Corresponding Member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU), Institute of Hydromechanics NASU


Cathedra of Design Automation of Energy Processes and Systems(APEPS) of the Heat and Power Engineering Department is one of the most active participants of the project «TEMPUS-IEMAST», which is implemented in the NTUU “KPI”. The project coordinator is the Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) /KTHRoyalInstituteofTechnology, Sweden/  – one of the largest leading technical universities in Europe.

Target groupstudents, graduates, teaching staff; management of industry enterprises; local authorities; NGOs


Project goals and objectives:

The project is designed to create a base for preparing engineers capable of working on technological design of industrial and urban systems, industrial processes and consumer products taking into account environmental problems and given social and economic restrictions in Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.


For more information about the direction of the project implementation and results of the main objectives refer to www.iemast.info.

For more information about the direction of the project for NTUU “KPI” refer to http://kpi.ua/iemast


Why APEPS Cathedra becomes a member of the project?

In June 2012 there was a UN Conference on Sustainable Development (SD)  – RIO +20, where it was noted that the implementation of a new paradigm of sustainable development in countries with economies in transition economy (the transition to a “green economy”) is possible only on the basis of partnership between government, business and the community.Manifestations of three (environmental, energy, social and economic) crisis cast doubt on the effectiveness of current models of SD and proved the necessity of finding more effective schemes fair production and consumption policies and criteria of success of economic activity that are consistent with long-term essential needs of mankind.

Ukraine supported the concept and principles of SD.But one of the major threats of the transition to a green economy Ukraine are defined, namely:

– Technological backwardness of fixed assets ecologically hazardous industries;

– Imperfect information system for environmental and energy monitoring that not allow Ukraine to attract investments into the environmental and energy-intensive enterprises;

– Imperfect information and communication space as a policy instrument green economy as a result of shortage of highly skilled human resources;

– Discrepancy ecological information technology infrastructure needs of a growing economy and society.

Bearing this in mind, training in the field of industrial ecology requires a multidisciplinary approach. This is especially true experts in the field of information, as in the present conditions that specifically address the problem of improving the efficiency of the economy system engineer to be armed with deep knowledge of environmental issues and the economy.

Therefore, training of specialists in the field of Industrial Ecology requires an interdisciplinary approach.

Especially interdisciplinary approach is implementedin the preparation of Master Program for direction “Computer ecology-economic monitoring”.


Partner universities of  «IEMAST»:
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, SwedenTU Delft, the Netherlands
Barcelona tech UPC, Spain

Qafqaz University, Azerbaijhan
National Aviation Academy, Azerbaijhan

Belarussian National Technical University,” BNTU” Belarus
Baranovichi State University, Belarus
Mogilev State University of Food Technologies, “MSFU” Belarus
Kazakh National Technical University, “KazNTU”, Kazakhstan


The key members of the project:

Yuriy Yakymenko

First Vice-Rector, National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” (National Technical University of Ukraine «Куіv Роlytechnic Institute»), Head of Microelectronics Department, KPI

Chairman of Council of URAN Association,

Academician of the NASU, International High Education Academy, Member

Council of Electronics Education of Ukraine, Chairman, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (USA)

e-mail: yiy@kpi.ua

Volodymyr Tymofieiev

Deputy First Vice- Rector of National Technical University  of  Ukraine “Kiev Polytechnical Institute” (National Technical University of Ukraine «Куіv Роlytechnic Institute»), Head of physical and biomedical department Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (USA)

e-mail: v.timofeyev@kpi.ua

Alexis Pasichny

e-mail: alexis.pasichny@gmail.com

Mariya Perestyuk

PhD (Specialization: Theory of probability) Lecturer of Department of Mathematical Modeling for Economic Systems (Faculty of Management and Marketing of National Technical University of Ukraine «Куіv Роlytechnic Institute»), Head of Tempus Bureau  NTUU «KPI»

Deputy Director of the Center for testing and monitoring knowledge (Education Quality Monitoring Institute of National Technical University of Ukraine «Куіv Роlytechnic Institute»)

e-mail: maria@perestyuk.com

Nataliia Karaieva

Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Automatic design of energy processes and systems, National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”.

e-mail: nv_karaeva@ukr.net

Alexandre Gourjii

Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Department of Automatic design of energy processes and systems, National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”.

e-mail: a.gourjii@gmail.com

 Andriy Verlan

Ph.D. in Engineering, Associate Professor, Department of Automatic design of energy processes and systems, National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”.

e-mail: verlander@gmail.com.

Sergii Khairnasov, Ph.D. in Engineering, Assistant, Department of Nuclear power plants and engineering thermophysics, National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”.

e-mail: sergey.khairnasov@gmail.com

Oleksandr  Kosenko , undergraduate, Department of Automatic design of energy processes and systems, National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”.

e-mail: conder.ua@gmail.com


Masters’ form 

Graduate students’ form